The behavior of people in everyday health care for the Environment. Culture of Indonesian society see that disgusting garbage and waste management work is inferior. The paradigm of developing countries such as Indonesia waste is a major problem that currently can not be managed properly. Garbage strewn everywhere like rivers yard and public roads, yet free from litter problem.
Sociology Humans produce garbage is garbage and human society so rubbish. Humans produce garbage, human life is deemed the core environment is an environmental problem. In contrast to the Trash in the developed world is well managed so that the news media never preach what else to discuss in detail. Human society is so garbage man or someone who does not want to take advantage of opportunities in front of the eye. The lack of success of education in developing countries and the role of media is very Influential on the paradigm of society, the existence of public minset picking a job is the result of the formation of character education and the role of the media every second change lifestyle archipelago becoming radical individuals and capitalists. Keraifan local cultural, ethical and moral diverse archipelago Began an affair with a wide range of other values. Place and position as an honor, not a pure entrepreneur and not as a basis towards welfare changes.
Human resources both high and low educated can not be distinguished Because ketauladanan crisis. Concerns in each persona in charge of all jobs. They do not have character. The existence of an engineering and public lies. Say the world of education where a school has been named the school that care about the environment or called adiwiyata school but it turns out there is a lie in it public. As well as Government Officials in the which a person works to Mobilize communities to manage but it turns out rubbish bins in the office environment are removed or burned without going through the process of 3R. Nothing wrong with a low-educated human resources as a valuable scavenger finished grab pick up trash strewn garbage not load.
The new paradigm should be run, if people say the new paradigm should be raised and action means no action in response, and realization. Useless but ketauladanan bring paradigm in the running are not performed by a paradigm that elicits. Speaking ketauladanan not be separated from the prophets and apostles, and the scholars of his time. They are always working on ketauladanan before teaching a lesson or members. hrtteammuda
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